- Create periodic check for aircraft - Controlled by
- FH (Flight Hours)
- FC (Flight Cycles)
- EH (Elapsed Hours)
- ED (Elapsed Day)
- FH or FC
- FH or ED
- FC or ED
- FH or EM
- FH or FC or ED
- FH or FC or EM
- Depend on other check +/-
- Create non periodic check for aircraft - Controlled by
- FH (Fixed Flight Hours)
- FC (Fixed Flight Cycles)
- FD (Fixed Date/Time)
- FH or FC
- FH or FD
- FC or FD
- FH or FC or FD
- Calculate deadline of check/event (automatically)
- depend on actual date/FH/FC
- depend on estimated utilization
- depend on tailassigned flight plan (optional)
- depend on maintenance location
- Move check/event (manually or thru interface)
- to new date/time
- to new location/dock
- Confirm check/event for aircraft (manually or thru interface)
- at date/time
- at flight hours
- at flight cycles
- Build event with different checktypes
- Include functionality
- Send check to another company/agency
- Send changed checks to SAP-MRO/NetLine (thru interface)
- Receive modified checks form SAP-MRO/NetLine (thru interface)
- Display errors and conflicts
- Display needed qualifications on check/event
- Display needed docks/lines on maintenance location
- Display all relevant check information
- Display checklist
- Create blueprint of downtimes (plotter/pdf)
- Create scenario with various parameters
- Report-Generator
- Predefined reports
- Free SQL editor
- Export of results to ASCII or CSV files
- Create and manage flight plans
- Flight plan actual
- Flight plans next periods
- Flight plans experimental
- Import SSIM file
- Autocreate rotation based on onward flight number
- Autocreate rotation based on aircraft type, std, departure/arrival
- Create and manage single flights
- Create and manage rotations
- Assign rotations to aircraft
- Find pairing flights
- Assign individual crew composition to flight
- Report and filters
- Data export to standard file formats like csv, xls, txt
- Billing interface
- Create individual user views
- Delay statistics, daily flight programs, daily revisions
- Slot request at FHKD
- Slot request from other authorities
- Traffic light functionality for flight abnormalities
- Aerodrome closure times
- Monitoring of daily flight program
- Representation of schedule and actual times
- Inheriting of delays
- Interfaces by ACARS/SITA/Manually
- Receive general information
- Receive actual and estimated flight times
- Receive pax
- Receive delay reason and time
- Receive fuel information
- Receive tour operator information
- Automatic update of crew data and legality check
- Create personnel data
- Differentiation by BCQ
- Time-limited type ratings
- Occupational groups
- Upgrade e.g. COP to CMD
- Downgrade e.g. CMD to COP
- Special functions e.g. TRE/TRI
- Traffic light functionality for duty inputs
- Create pattern, preset by
- Period
- Flight duty
- Non-Flight duty
- Proceed
- Hotel
- Crew composition on aircraft type
- Bidding system for off/vacation requests via internet
- Management of bitting system
- Approval off/vacation requests
- Rejection off/vacation requests
- Simulator planning
- Monitoring of flight time limitations
- Flight duty and Non-Flight duty assignment
- According to EU regulations
- Company specific
- Assignment by pattern
- Single assignment
- Report and filters
- Block hour overtime report
- Block hour overtime interface (xlc, csv, txt)
- Crew member report
- Absence report/payment from homebase